As our hearts break for the residents, evacuees and our extended family and friends in Southern California, we want to help in any way we can. In Santa Barbara, we know fires and the devastation this has on all our lives. It’s normal to feel completely paralyzed with grief and disbelief during traumatic events. If we can be of assistance, we would love to help at least make the process of finding housing a little bit easier.
Rentals for Evacuees: While our website may not show extended periods of availability, we want to help everyone impacted by these fires by providing a housing resource to put dates together to make it work. Please contact us if you are in need of housing and would like to relocate to Santa Barbara whether it be for a few days, a week or a couple of months. Discounts from Haller Coastal Homes and our property owners will be applied to help anyone displaced or impacted by these fires.
We would also like to share some resources we found online that could assist in making this process a little less stressful for those impacted and those of us wanting to help anyone impacted by these California Wildfires.
Author and advocate, Jen Hatmaker shared a wonderful list of resources for those impacted:
Another link that outlines a straightforward Action Plan was posted on Facebook as well.
Looking to help?
For those wanting to help, here is another great post we found online: click here
With love from Santa Barbara,
The Haller Coastal Homes Team