Trip Insurance – Haller Coastal Homes

Trip Insurance

We HIGHLY recommend the purchase of trip insurance.  Since we do not operate like hotels, cancellations are very difficult to rebook and any cancellation will incur some monetary penalty.  Please refer to our Rental/ Payment Policy for more information regarding this.

For a nominal fee and wonderful peace of mind, you can purchase trip insurance through Rental Guardian. When booking on our website you are able to use this trip insurance company or choose any other company online. We do not represent Rental Guardian and make no warranties or guarantees about the different insurance plans they offer and what they cover. We encourage guests to reach out to this company and also others before selecting a policy to purchase.

Trip Insurance Must be purchased within 48 hours of booking.
When selecting below “purchase now” which gives you a quote first,
please enter your information, name of property you are staying at and then use OUR mailing address as the property address:
315 Meigs Road #A284 Santa Barbara, CA 93109

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